This article will dive into detail around 10 different wellbeing activities you should be doing in 2024 to help keep your mental health and wellbeing in tip-top condition in this new year ahead.
New year is a chance to plan, set goals , and decide who you want to be in a year. Nothing is off limits, whether you want to become fitter, more financially stable, or just generally work on yourself to become the best version of you – here are our top 10 activities you should be doing for a winning 2024.
1. Mindful Meditation
Meditation can be a great way to unwind, improve sleep, see your emotions from an outside perspective and help you learn to control your anxiety . Meditating can be tough at first and might not feel beneficial, but this is something that takes time to learn and when done properly, can be extremely beneficial.
2. Outdoor Exercise
When people think of outdoor exercise they often think of running, cycling, or running up and down steps when in reality, outdoor exercise can be as simple as walking, you guessed – anywhere outdoors! Try and get out in the fresh air as much as you can – maybe along the beach, in the countryside, or around a local park.
According to National Institutes of Health , there are generally greater improvements in mental health when exercising outdoors rather than indoors.
3. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
As scary as things like this can be, it can work wonders for your mental health and help to give you that productive, winning year that you are craving. By going outside your comfort zone, you are opening yourself up to learning new skills, finding new passions, meeting new people and understanding yourself and your emotions better. All which are extremely important for personal development.
Want To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone? Check Out Cards Beyond Comfort
4. Practising Gratitude
Either at the end of your day or first thing in the morning, write 10 things that you are grateful for. These can be as little as the weather outside, or something more meaningful such as a family member or friend – there is no limit to what or how many things you can think of. According to studies, practising gratitude can have a 10% boost in our happiness and a 35% reduction in our depressive symptoms .
5. Breathwork
If there is one wellbeing activity that you should be doing in 2024 – it’s breathwork. Breathwork can be truly amazing and is practised around the world, probably because its amazing benefits and the fact that you can do it at any time and in any place.
Some of the benefits of breathwork include stress reduction , relaxation , reduce insomnia and much, much more. Find somewhere nice and quiet where you can relax and take a look online at some guided breathwork tutorials – we recommend the Wim Hof breathing method .
6. Listen To Mindset Podcasts
Mindset podcasts can be great when needing something to listen to that can also benefit you mentally. Listen on the way to work? While you are doing chores? Or even during exercise.
There are hundreds of different podcasts out there, we recommend listening to one that goes into detail around many different topics so that you can find the specific episode that relates to you. We recommend listening to Rob Dial’s ‘The Mindset Mentor ’.
7. Self-Reflection & Self Appreciation
Practising self-appreciation can be a great way to boost your wellbeing and have many other benefits. According to studies , findings show that self-esteem generally leads to more success in work, better relationships and improved mental & physical health.
Regularly sit and reflect on your achievements no matter how small and write all the things you are proud of that you have done and why.
8. Track Your Emotions
Tracking your emotions can be a great way to figure out why you experience certain feelings and emotions. It can help you to spot patterns in your emotional wellbeing and discover the triggers for these emotions.
We recommend keeping a notepad or an emotion tracker or a daily check-in to fill in every morning or night and reflect on how you feel and why. Over the course of a few months, you will have some useful data on what’s making you feel both positive and negative emotionally and can work on this to enhance those feelings of reduce them.
9. Simply Do Nothing
Yes, one of our top 10 tips is to do NOTHING. And by this we mean find time for YOU. Do things that you enjoy, things that make you happy and content, sometimes this can be simply sitting down and relaxing.
For many people this can be difficult, especially with a busy job, kids, and home to look after, but finding those couple of hours a week or a month to do things that you want to do can be great for your mental health.
Learn More About the Importance of Making Time for Hobbies: Cultivating Joy the Vital Role of Hobbies
10. Keep A Journal
Keeping your journal allows you to do many of these activities in one area, such as set goals, track your emotions and your habits and is actually proven to reduce stress . Use your self-improvement journal to participate in many of the mental health activities, daily check-ins and start taking control of your life.
Products to Keep Your Wellbeing In Tip-Top Condition
The mental health deck ‘Cards Beyond Comfort ‘ takes stepping out of your comfort zone and puts it into a fun, challenging card game perfect for personal development. Become mentally healthy in just 115 days with challenges ranging from exercising outdoors, taking cold showers, writing your goals, tracking your habits to walking 10,000 steps a day and so many more.
But that’s not all… each challenge comes with the benefits on the back of the card and instructions on how to complete them! Click here to learn more.
Thank you for reading our article on 10 wellbeing activities for a healthy 2024 – if there’s one thing you can do this year, it’s to take small, frequent steps to make this a positive year for your self-development and overall mental health and wellbeing.
The Improvement Artist